Bullying is a pervasive issue that affects people of all ages and backgrounds, leaving lasting emotional scars. In this blog, we’ve gathered 80 powerful anti-bullying quotes that encourage empathy, resilience, and compassion.
However, by raising awareness and promoting kindness, we can create a safer and more supportive environment for everyone. These words of wisdom, from well-known figures to everyday heroes, serve as a reminder that standing up against bullying is essential in fostering positive change.
1. “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” – Aesop
2. “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” – Plato
3. “Carry out a random act of kindness with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.” – Princess Diana
4. “One kind word can change someone’s entire day.” – Unknown
5. “Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” – Mark Twain
6. “The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up.” – Mark Twain
7. “When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind.” – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
8. “How do we change the world? One random act of kindness at a time.” – Morgan Freeman
9. “If we all do one random act of kindness daily, we might just set the world in the right direction.” – Martin Kornfeld
10. “Be the reason someone believes in the goodness of people.” – Karen Salmansohn
11. “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” – Buddha
12. “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
13. “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
14. “Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.” – Christian D. Larson
15. “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
16. “Self-worth comes from one thing – thinking that you are worthy.” – Wayne Dyer
17. “You are enough just as you are.” – Meghan Markle
18. “Confidence is not ‘they will like me.’ Confidence is ‘I’ll be fine if they don’t.’” – Christina Grimmie
19. “The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it.” – J.M. Barrie
20. “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” – Theodore Roosevelt
21. “Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other’s eyes for an instant?” – Henry David Thoreau
22. “Empathy is seeing with the eyes of another, listening with the ears of another, and feeling with the heart of another.” – Alfred Adler
23. “We think we listen, but very rarely do we listen with real understanding and true empathy.” – Carl Rogers
24. “I think we all have empathy. We may not have enough courage to display it.” – Maya Angelou
25. “If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” – Dalai Lama
26. “There is no greater loan than a sympathetic ear.” – Frank Tyger
27. “When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen.” – Ernest Hemingway
28. “Empathy is about finding echoes of another person in yourself.” – Mohsin Hamid
29. “If we could look into each other’s hearts and understand the unique challenges each of us faces, I think we would treat each other much more gently, with more love, patience, tolerance, and care.” – Marvin J. Ashton
30. “One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.” – Bryant McGill
31. “What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
32. “Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.” – Mahatma Gandhi
33. “The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” – Nelson Mandela
34. “You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only choice.” – Bob Marley
35. “Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.” – Nelson Mandela
36. “Fall seven times, stand up eight.” – Japanese Proverb
37. “Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more resilient.” – Steve Maraboli
38. “Resilience is accepting your new reality, even if it’s less good than the one you had before.” – Elizabeth Edwards
39. “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill
40. “Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, ‘I will try again tomorrow.’” – Mary Anne Radmacher
41. “The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.” – Albert Einstein
42. “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” – Martin Luther King Jr.
43. “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” – Martin Luther King Jr.
44. “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” – Desmond Tutu
45. “Stand up for what is right, even if you are standing alone.” – Suzy Kassem
46. “Speak up, even if your voice shakes.” – Maggie Kuhn
47. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke
48. “Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.” – Rumi
49. “Sometimes it takes only one act of courage to change everything.” – Unknown
50. “You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.” – William Wilberforce
51. “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller
52. “The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.” – Coretta Scott King
53. “We rise by lifting others.” – Robert Ingersoll
54. “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” – African Proverb
55. “No one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of another.” – Charles Dickens
56. “We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men.” – Herman Melville
57. “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” – Henry Ford
58. “Unity is strength… when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.” – Mattie Stepanek
59. “Help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours.” – Les Brown
60. “When we work together, we can accomplish wonders.” – Unknown